Tuesday, May 13, 2014

How to choose the right site for your fireworks display

A huge part of the success of any fireworks display is the site you choose. It can be trickier than you think to pick the perfect site – not just any old field or car park will do. Your site needs to be safe, as well as suitable for the display and the number of people attending.

Here are the 10 things to look for in a good site, according to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA):

1. More space than you think you’ll need
2. Soft ground (but not wet!) – it can be difficult to fire pyrotechnics from hard ground, so choose a site with soft, but not muddy and wet, ground.
3. A safe amount of space (at least 25 metres) between spectators and the firing area
4. An emergency access route
5. A cordoned-off display area – this is something you can do yourself to ensure that the firing area is clearly marked
6. A 50 metre fallout area
7. Enough room for the number of spectators you expect to turn up – always allow for a bit more space just in case more people show up on the night
8. A separate bonfire area – this one’s very important, as your bonfire must be nowhere near your display area
9. No overhead obstructions – this includes cables, trees and other things that could be hit by fireworks
10. An area completely clear of buildings and fire hazards.

If you can tick off all of these requirements, it’s likely that you’ve found the perfect site for your fireworks display – congratulations!

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