Types and varieties of fuses
Fuses are lengths of explosive material, mostly in the form of a thin tube containing the material, used to transfer ignition from the firing point, at a safe distance, to the firework device. They can be linked or joined to carry ignition through branches from one initiation point to several fireworks, or from one firework to another. There are two basic types of fuse-
· Instantaneous: These transfer the combustion at high speed, at many metres per second. This allows the simultaneous firing of several dispersed items from the same point.
· Delay: These transfers the combustion at a slower rate, to introduce a delay effect, e.g. a series of items connected by delay fuse can be fired in sequence at Predetermined intervals. They are designed to burn at different speeds, according to type. Thus any required time delay can be achieved by a combination of the fuse type, and the length of the run.
Fuse Types
There are many different types of fuse found on fireworks, some of the most common types are explained below:-
QUICK MATCH is the commonest fuse to ignite fireworks. These can be single stranded, double or multi – cored. Ordinary black match is made by impregnating a string with black powder slurry. Once dried it burns readily and relatively slowly. When encased in a plain paper or waterproofed paper ‘tube’, however, the rate of burn becomes practically instantaneous.
A protective cap should be provided to prevent accidental ignition when incorporated into a firework and these can come in differing colours. Quickmatch as obtained for general use does not normally have covers.
PW6 (Slate blue) is manufactured the same way as green, looks similar but is a slate blue. Burns slower however, about 4 secs per inch (25mm) or 172 sec/m.
SPANISH DELAYS Look similar to Pipe Cleaners, constructed from a plastic or fabric outer, this covers a centre core of composition that burns at a constant and accurate rate. These are cut to size according to the length of time required. Spanish Delays are available in all time sequences from 1 second to 1 minute, and more if required..
TAPEMATCH is made by pouring black powder onto the centre of the sticky side of the adhesive tape (sellotape) forming a continuous narrow strip of fuse. Used essentially in the creation of lancework
Summary of Burning Rates:
Quickmatch Instantaneous
Tapematch Instantaneous
PIC Brown 1 sec per foot (3.3sec per metre)
Wasag Green 7 sec per foot
PIC Green 12 sec per foot (1 sec per inch/25mm approx)
PIC Blue 15 sec per foot (1-1/4 per inch)
Bickford 30 sec per foot (variable)
PW6 Slate blue 53 sec per foot (4 secs per inch)
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