Monday, June 9, 2008

Hanabi, The Japanese & Fireworks

If you take the time to follow this link to you tube to see the awesome Japanese Fireworks displays I’m sure you will agree its amazing.

The show is quite slow to start and has a wonderful track that accompanies it and is typically Japanese in style, reminiscing of a karaoke bar in down town Tokyo. However for mood and grace I have to say I do like the music and would consider using something similar myself.

The sheer size and scale of the show is so impressive, the fireworks are spread over a wide area, a total dream for any firework designer as you can use (as they do) large effects over distance to create pattern and synchronicity which really gets the hairs on end. The first major chase sequence which is preceded by cross firing mines with coloured tops, closely followed by a chase from the centre out, perfectly timed with the music and really does follow the mood, tempo and volume.

The red and white strobe shells fired at width look great simply because its clear and intentional to treat the two colour separately and there is no mixing of colours in the centre.

The next sequence in the show sees two separate firing halves which swap round half way through, on each side there is a demonstration of the abilities of the firework factory as they show off the various Shell patterns and colours they have created, the other low firing half give some perspective on the size and drama of the shells next door!

The next part which slips in from underneath is one of my favourite, the modular units or groups of fanned single shots wipe from left to right in a pair, followed by a triplet and then a quadruple and then a great fanned sweep from one unit to another as the whole theme moves from left to right made up of five smaller sub modules. The timing is great and again marries up within the music track.

Following these modules is a whole barrage of small and very effective bombettes bursting with small green, red & purple stars, low level material fired at regular intervals over the site width. Then from no where gentle bursts of falling leaves suddenly appear and with it a woo and an ahh from the appreciative audience watching the show,

This is followed by a slower more repetitive sequence of single large shells fired in succession. Now this bit wasn’t for me really and my colleague commented in a similar way, however I did point out to him that as many of the Japanese specialist are building their own shells for them single large shells are a true art. And Its not for us to criticise as we do feel we are good at providing shows, but we are not the full company simply because we are not building from scratch with our own hands masterpieces like the guys from Japan!

Now the next section is great, varied coloured spots match both high and low, however it’s the part after this which left me laughing to myself in sheer awe of what they created. A large scale chase from right to left of mines followed in colour coordination by masses of shells. This is similar to a sequence we performed in the British Fireworks Championships, however not having the width made the difference as this show is….well amazing!

And the Finale…well what other words other than amazing, brilliant, awesome can be used…watch for yourself and leave some words for us to think about!

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